How Are Computers Hacked and What Can You Do to Stop It?

Data breaches make headlines almost every day. These incidents result in the exposure of sensitive data, such as user names, passwords, or credit card information. In response, businesses and government agencies scramble to assess the damage and implement measures to prevent further hacking and data breaches. Making all users aware of the dangers of cybercrime is an important first step in protecting against malicious hackers and safeguarding personal information. But what can you do if your personal information is hacked? How can you protect yourself from hackers? Keep reading for useful advice on protecting yourself from hacking and data breaches.

Ways to ensure you avoid being hacked

Change Your Passwords 

Users should change their passwords regularly. Some experts suggest changing them every 30 days. Changing your passwords regularly ensures that you can easily replace compromised credentials if you become a victim of a data breach. When choosing new passwords, be sure to follow a few simple guidelines. Use a mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using easily discoverable information, such as birthdays, kids’ names, or pets. There are also some other tips to keep in mind when creating passwords: Use long passwords: Longer passwords are harder to crack. So, they’re better than shorter passwords. But don’t write them down. 

When possible, use different passwords for different accounts. If one account is compromised, the rest of your accounts won’t be at risk. And if one account has a weak password, the others don’t. Avoid reusing the same password for multiple accounts. This is especially important for online accounts that contain sensitive information, since reusing passwords could put all of your accounts at risk if one account is compromised. 

Use 2-Factor Authentication 

After ensuring that you have changed your passwords, it is time to protect them further with 2-factor authentication. 2-factor authentication requires users to enter a password and an additional code generated by a security app or device that they possess. This is a secondary measure that makes it harder for hackers to get into your accounts. Using the 2-factor authentication significantly reduces the risk of identity theft or fraud.

Many modern websites, apps, and services have implemented 2-factor authentication. If you use a bank account, social media platform, or email service, check to see if 2-factor authentication is available. If you are protecting sensitive information, such as online banking, you should ensure that the website uses 2-factor authentication. Many financial institutions offer a variety of authentication options. Customers can log in using a security key or a one-time passcode sent to their mobile device. Once logged in, they can select a 2-factor authentication option, such as a security key or a biometric feature, such as a fingerprint. 

Be Careful With What You Share Online

 Posting personal information on social media platforms or blogs may seem harmless, but it can be exploited by hackers. Giving away too much information can allow hackers to create a full identity profile of you. 

A hacker may use your personal information to impersonate you and gain access to your accounts. Avoid sharing any information that can help hackers create a full identity profile of you, such as: – Full name – Address – Age – Ethnicity – Gender – Employment status – Education level – Religion – Membership in clubs or organizations – Social media profiles – Blog posts – Photos of your house or car – Any other information that can be used to identify you Before posting any information online, ask yourself: Would I be comfortable giving this information to a stranger? Would a friend think this is appropriate to share? If the answer is no to either of these questions, you should reconsider posting it online. Protecting your privacy is a good practice, especially when it comes to financial transactions. 

Don’t Click on Suspicious Links 

Hackers may try to get users to click on links to malicious websites. These links may appear in the comments section of a blog post or on a social media platform. They may also appear in an email message. These links may lead to a website that installs malicious software on your computer. That software may allow hackers to access your computer and steal personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. To stay safe, avoid clicking on links from people you don’t know.

If you’re unsure whether a link is legitimate, you can search the link to see if it leads to a legitimate website. You can also use a service like VirusTotal, which lets you know if a specific URL has been reported as a potential threat. You should also consider installing antivirus software on your computer. Anti-virus software can scan your computer and delete malicious software. It can also scan links and email messages, warning you if they contain malware or a malicious link. 

Install Software Updates

 Another important way to protect yourself from hacking is to ensure that all the software on your computer is up-to-date. Most software providers regularly release patches and updates. These updates are designed to fix bugs, plug security holes, and improve the functionality of the software. If you regularly install software updates, you are more likely to avoid falling victim to a “runtime execution attack.” 

This type of cyberattack exploits a weakness in the software you are using. It hijacks your system to mine cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin. It also steals your computing power to mine data for hackers. To protect yourself against runtime execution attacks, make sure you keep all the software on your computer up-to-date. If you don’t know how to update specific software, consult the product’s website for instructions. Alternatively, you can use an automated software update service, such as Windows Update or OS X Software Update. 


Follow the advice in this article to protect yourself from hacking and data breaches. Data breaches make headlines almost every day. These incidents result in the exposure of sensitive data, such as user names, passwords, or credit card information.